healing practices

Healing, Health, Hope: Being Still

I used to think that being “successful” in meditation meant clearing the mind of every scrap of thought, sitting still and motionless, the mind as pristine and empty as a cloudless blue sky on a summer’s day.

“You’ll never be any good at that,” I told myself. As an over-thinking Enneagram 6, my mind revs as fast as the engine on my husband’s high-powered sports car. I feel like it’s perpetually “pedal to the metal” in there, even in the middle of the night.

And yet I kept feeling a deep hunger to quiet my mind, to shut down the engines of anxiety and worry, to silence the incessant odometer of things-I-need-to do that clicks off like the miles on a cross-country trip.

Healing, Health, Hope: Some Things I'm Learning

(From my morning pages notebook last week on my birthday.)

As I enter my 66th year, I’m learning to….

1. Take it slow…Spend the time it takes to do things – walk Lacey, read books, write about books, cook new recipes, fold the laundry, watch the birds. There’s hardly ever a rush anymore, so just be still.

2. Be curious instead of afraid…what if everything didn’t have to be scary?

3. Notice what you notice. Pay attention.

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