hunting: for houses this weekend, coming breathlessly close to making a (probably) bad decision and finally thinking better of it (i think) ~wondering why the things you want most are always just slightly out of reach~but grateful for the opportunity to dream big, even if only for hour or two
working: a lot, armed with cold iced tea and smiley-faced lemons floating in the glass ~ sweetening the deal with frosted lemon drop cookies ~ wishing for pair of strong and nimble massage fingers for my shoulders and neck while I sit here typing and typing away
listening: to the glorious voices of 40 men raised in song at our church on Sunday~ a musical gift of praise directed by one of my favorite people who taught many of these men to sing way back in their "salad days" ~ a sure way to put a smile of pure delight on my face
thinking: of fathers everywhere ~ the fathers who made us, the fathers who raised us, the men who want to be fathers but aren’t ~ thinking especially of my son, for the first time officially a father on this holiday, and of my own father, wondering whether he’ll see another Father’s Day on this earth
preparing: to spend next week with 30 giddy middle school students as they sing, dance, act and generally “get their Glee on” at middle school musical theater camp
planning: some writing projects for summer ~ not sure whether I’ll accomplish them, but once again dreaming some big dreams ~
anticipating: a guest post here on the Byline coming up Wednesday from a very smart, courageous writer mama ~ honored to have her telling her story here
hoping: you all had two days of rest, relaxation, reflection so you’re ready to welcome the summer solstice on Thursday