Two-Fer Tuesday Meme

I had fun with this one (courtesy of DebR)~ Two names you go by: Becky, Becca

Two parts of your heritage: Armenia, Scotch/Irish

Two things that scare you: Enclosed spaces, Snakes

Two everyday essentials: Coffee, Computer

Two things you are wearing right now: Jeans, My "creativity jacket" Two of your favorite bands or musical artists (at the moment): I don't listen to a lot of music, actually, but I've been playing these two cd's in my car for quite a while: Josh Groban, "Alive," and The Wreckers, "Leave the Pieces" Two things you want in a relationship (other than love): Independence, Trust

Two truths: I drive too fast, I act without thinking Two favorite hobbies: Writing, Reading

Two things you need to do this week: Oh god, if only there were just two...let's see - two things out of the ordinary are taking Magic to the vet for an (overdue) vaccination, and filling out some financial paperwork for my mom

Two stores you shop at: Borders, TJ Maxx

Two favorite sports Walking, preferably with a dog, and bike riding, preferably without a dog

Two shows you like to watch: Big Love, Grey's Anatomy

Two things you’d buy if money were no object: A month in the south of France, and a big screen TV for my husband because he wants one sooo much

Two wishes for 2007: Health and happiness for my family and friends, and peace in the world

If anyone else wants to have a go at this one, consider yourself tagged...