

It's been an oddly long week, considering we didn't get back into our regular routine until Tuesday. The past four days haven't exactly sped by - certainly not like the four previous days that were chock full of fun times with Mr. Connor, who grows by leaps and bounds and now greets you with smiles, burbles, and coos. How much do I love that???

It's been a busy week, so it wasn't for lack of activity that time seemed to drag. March is turning out to be the most hectic month in quite some time. I have three performances for the middle school (spent all day in rehearsal there yesterday), a benefit concert with Classical Bells (so still rehearsing every Monday), and some accompanying for a musical my friend is directing (spent three hours there on Tuesday). Plus, as of today, I've agreed to return to my former job as a part time consultant. In the midst of all this are five days travel to Arizona to visit another friend.

Buzz, buzz (the proverbial busy bee...)

Today I spent the afternoon in a meeting with my former boss and two of the four people that were hired to replace me. (Think about that for a moment.) At any rate, the woman who was originally hired to fill my position has resigned, so there is a bit of a scramble to get the other members of the department up to snuff in terms of procedures. Since they've only been working there three or four months, there is a lot for them to learn and absorb.

I was happy to learn that my assistance was not being sought for administrative duties, but as a consultant to "fine tune" the writing. Honestly, after just a few moments discussion today about the spreadsheets and timetables, I could feel my stomach tying itself knots again and my heart start fluttering in my chest. "Run!" my body was telling me. "Don't get sucked back into the vortex of paper shuffling!"

But I think I can handle editing and helping the new writers refine their skills for a few hours each week. Also, it's nice to see my friends in the office on occasion as well. As I've discussed before, social relationships are what make so many of our activities worthwhile, especially work activities which can sometimes be less than satisfactory in other ways.

Since I left in June, the company has moved into new digs just down that road that provide twice as much space. Everyone now has their own office with walls and a door, and most of the offices have windows. It's a far cry from the crowded cubicle laden work space we had been using for the past 15 years.

But finally it's Friday. The weekend will be a quiet one, and we plan to finish off all the programs queued up on our TiVo for the past couple of weeks. (Like the Downton Abby finale which I've never yet watched!)

Nothing spectacular, for sure, but something comforting to look forward to after a long week.

How about you? What's on tap for your weekend? 






Travelin' South-A Free Raleigh, NC Get Away

I get the urge to take a road trip in the fall, to meander down winding country roads, visit small towns along the way, have homemade apple pie in "mom and pop" diners, and, of course, marvel at the palette of crimson and gold painting the landscape. I've hankered to visit North Carolina for some time, and I was doing some cyber research the other night on the official tourism site for the city of Raleigh. I had no idea this was such a "happening" place for the arts lover...North Carolina symphony concerts, the Carolina Ballet, the Carolina Museum of Natural History and Art, Broadway shows, historic walking tours, Branford Marsalis in concert...some of my favorite things to do. All the attractions of city life, with the charm of a Southern small town.

Because I love fall, I was especially attracted to the fall getaway pages, and I eagerly registered for a chance to win a Free Raleigh Getaway that includes accommodations for two at the Courtyard by Marriott, gift certificates to Bloomsbury Bistro, tickets to the theater and to the Impressionist exhibit at the Museum of Art, and even more.

So now I have my heart set on winning this trip. But feel free to register yourselves - just promise to tuck me into your suitcase if you win!