Sunday Scribblings-Deepest and Darkest

"Deepest and darkest" is a phrase that just begs to be ended with "secret" or "fear." Somehow, I'm not in the mood to talk about either one of those right now, although I admit to having my fair share of both. Instead, I'm choosing to reflect on some of my "deepest and darkest" passions...much more uplifting don't you think?

  • Rich, dark roast coffee, freshly brewed and steaming hot (you all knew that would be on the top of the list, right?)
  • Running a close second~you guessed it~dark, bittersweet chocolate, which tastes even better when you're sipping passion number one along with it. Truthfully, one of my favorite ways to enjoy chocolate is to eat those little chips you put in cookies right out of the bag. Hmmm, guess I just shared one of my little dark secrets after all...
  • I love the color black. I love to wear black (which is lucky, since it's the musician's uniform color), and nearly every car I've ever owned has been black. Although, I'm due for a new car soon, and I think it's going to be red this time (aha! another secret is out!)...
  • I'm fascinated with novels and movies about mental institutions and deep, dark, psychological illness. The old TV miniseries Sybil, with Sally Field in the starring role, is one of my all time favorite spine tingling pleasures. I have this odd little penchant for the macabre that is completely at odds with my outwardly sunny disposition...
  • No list of passions would be complete without at least a hint of the carnal, now would it? So, I admit, when it comes to the opposite sex, my taste in men runs to tall, dark, and deeply romantic. I adore the actor Jimmy Smits~as Victor Sifuentes on LA Law, Bobby Simone on NYPD Blue, and most recently, as Matt Santos on West Wing. Yes, my heart does flutter a bit just thinking about him :)

So much for my deepest and darkest...for more on this subject, go here