Sprung, is how the sentence should end. Flown the coop is more apt.
Yes dear friends and readers, once again I've left behind balmy tropical breezes and sunny blue skies only to be greeted with another snow dump.
Five inches last night.
But~ the sun is shining and the sky is blue - at least I'll say that. If I spend the day only gazing upward, I might fool myself into believing I'm still in Neverland.
However, you all know I'm not one to remain in Neverland too long, for the fascinating lure of responsibility calls me...work, most notably, an 800 page stack of medical records that must be read, digested, and summarized all nice and neat for the attorney's and the insurance company.
I've been through my entire repetroire of delaying tactics...I've exercised, gone walking, made a fresh pot of coffee, picked up the house...let's see, maybe I should quick put on boots and shovel a path in the backyard for the doggies to wade through...
I believe it's lunchtime. Or almost at any rate.
So you see how easily I am dissuaded from working.
Working at home is definitely a mixed blessing, I think, for while it gives me the kind of freedom to take days off in the middle of the week (and go play in the sunshine), it means I must shove aside all the other lures of home and buckle down to task when a deadline looms ahead of me.
So perhaps its just as well that the weather has turned frightful, as it gives me less excuses to procrastinate that moment when I must glue myself to the desk chair and set to work.
And maybe by the time I've finished, the snow will be all melted...
Dream on.