Choose seven of your favorite words, one of several inspiring prompts on the November menu at Cafe Writing...check it out if you're doing NaBloPoMo and need an idea, or NaNoWriMo, and need a break! Percolation~a word that recalls my mother's Corningware percolator, hot coffee bubbling up inside the glass top with its own nifty little rhythm... Dervish~ as in "whirling," which calls to mind a the excitement of gyspy dancing, spooky firelight, an music from a squeezebox... Lovely ~actually, I prefer the way the British say it - "luvly," meaning "just ducky"... Arabesque~a graceful ballet movement depicted in the sound of the word - and also one of my favorite pieces of music for piano, written by Claude Debussy... Cavort~doesn't that sound like fun?? Transcendent~a power I only wish I had, to place myself on a higher plane... Please~a politeness, but also an exclamation, as in "puh-leeze"...