Our week here in southern Florida is over, so I'm preparing myself for the familiar re-entry process - getting out of relaxation mode and back onto the hamster wheel otherwise known as daily life. I should be accustomed to that by now - after all, we flit back and forth every four to six weeks, so every winter is rather like an extended schizophrenic episode ~ warm breezes/beach walks ~ frigid winds/slippery sidewalks. But I'm flummoxed every time, and it's probably because I'm still not sure exactly which lifestyle is the right one for me. I mean, somewhere in between the endless unplanned hours of the past week and the obligation filled days of the weeks ahead of me, lies the lifestyle I'm looking for.
How often do we get to choose the life we want? The one with just the perfect balance of time for our own pursuits and time spent in doing things we have to do? The perfect balance between work and leisure?
I know it's unrealistic to expect that everyday life can be the perfect mix of work and play - at least not every day. It's when ones life is completely out of balance (either way) that the trouble sets in. My Facebook status last night echoed the hamster wheel concept, and a comment from one of my very clever friends said, "Life has to be about more than squeak, squeak, squeak..."
She's so right. We all need productive work or at least productive pastimes. We all need something to goad us into getting out of bed in the morning. But we also need time to rest, to play, to simply be with ourselves for company. I'm convinced that a happy life has all of those elements, and that each individual needs them in completely different measure. Goldilocks had the concept down pat -the porridge must not be too hot, or too cold, but just right.
So as I start sprinting on my little wheel, here's hoping I can find the "just right" balance for the days ahead.