I've been tagged by soozphotoz and I'm in...here's my fab fives: Items in my Fridge
- A tiny carton of raspberries that cost a small fortune
- Five water bottles, all different brands
- Three bottles of chardonnay, also different labels
- Several tiny cans of "gourmet" dog foods that my puppies refuse to eat
- Leftover spaghetti bolognese from last night's dinner at Guilio's
Items in my Closet
- All the winter clothes I haven't had time to put away
- All the spring clothes I've been sneaking up from the basement on warm days
- A tiny pair of cowboy boots, size 2, that belonged to my husband when he was a baby
- A Mattel toy Winchester rifle that I played Daniel Boone with when I was three
- At least five times five purses
Items in my Car
- Two audio books I just got at the library
- My doggy's car seat
- Emergency rations (raisins, pistachios, and fig newtons)
- Two more water bottles
- Coffee cards from Starbucks and Panera Bread
Item in my Purse
- A teeny tiny wallet containing pictures of my son and my dogs, one credit card, and some cash
- My moleskine notebook and pilot G2 pen
- Clinique lip gloss (with a hint of sparkle)
- A flash drive for my computer
- My cell phone