It's My (Blog) Birthday!

Actually, it's both of our bithdays- yes, March 9, 1956, was the day I made my own appearance on the world's stage. One year ago on this date, I decided to do something to lift myself from the doldrums I was wallowing in because I'd reached the famous half-century mark, and Becca's Byline was born. I've had writing dreams since I was just a little girl. I wrote my first "novel" when I was eight, and published a "newspaper" for my sixth grade class. I often played make-believe at being a writer for an international magazine, and my dad's big desk in our basement was "world headquarters" where I gave out writing assignments to all my friends, then edited their work. Words, and pages filled with words, excite me. I'm fascinated with the power words have of evoking emotions, informing minds, and changing hearts. I love studying words, playing with their rhythm, setting them out on the page and rearranging them like the pieces of an intricate puzzle. So, for my 50th birthday, I gave myself the gift of a word playground~this blog~a place to write and to share what I'd written with others.

My, what a gift it's turned out to be! I had absolutely no idea that by beginning this blog I'd be catapulted into a world filled with talented, courageous women, sharing their dreams, exploring their vision, healing their hurts. I've made friends all over the world who inspire me, educate me, and amaze me every single day. Because of this medium, I've scribbled every Sunday, delved into the new worlds of poetry and haiku, been emboldened to try some photography, and, wonder of all wonders, written a complete novel in one month!

I think I've stayed true to my intention when I wrote my first share my thoughts on life in general, and my own in particular. What I never imagined was how much my life would be enriched by the thoughts, visions, and ideas of the people I've met in cyberspace, the people whose blogs I visit at least once a day for a dose of humor, wisdom, inspiration, and hope that there is more to this life in general than one person's daily grind, people whom I've come to care about, and think of as a great extended family.

So, I'm saying a huge THANK YOU to each of you for sharing the gifts of your wisdom and insight with me over the past year. I'm looking forward to meeting even more of you, and to many more adventures yet to come!

**photo courtesy of stockexpert