Ink on My Fingers

There are some things in life I hate spending money on...detergent and cleaning supplies for one, face creams and cleansers for another.  I hate buying socks and panty hose, too - no one ever sees them, and they're so boring. I don't mind paying for gasoline (although I'd prefer not to pay quite SO much) or groceries. But as much as I love buying office supplies - paper, pens, pencils, notebooks, calendars, folders - there is one office essential that I hate to spend my hard earned money for.

Printer ink.

It's outrageously priced for one thing.  Why can't they come up with cheap ink that's reliable and lasts more than a week?  I have a friend who refills her inkjet cartridges, but I can't see myself ever being that organized.   Today, for instance, I was in the midst of a major project and of course, my printer ran out of ink.  Luckily, there was one package stockpiled in the supply closet, because I sure didn't have time to run out and get the cartridge refilled.

I try to avoid printing as much as possible, although if I start working more at home, I may be forced to keep the inkwell topped off (so to speak).

Oh well, I guess it's better than the old days when we had to change the ribbon in the typewriter - talk about ink on your fingers!