A Map of the World ~Ted Kooser
One of the ancient maps of the world is heart-shaped, carefully drawn and once washed with bright colors, though the colors have faded as you might expect feelings to fade from a fragile old heart, the brown map of a life. But feeling is indelible, and longing infinite, a starburst compass pointing in all the directions two lovers might go, a fresh breeze swelling their sails, the future uncharted, still far from the edge where the sea pours into the stars.
I found this poem quite by accident this morning, in one of those circuitous blog explorations which I couldn't retrace if my life depended upon it. And I copied it inside my husband's Valentine's Day card, because I loved so much this last bit...
But feeling is indelible, and longing infinite, a starburst compass pointing in all the directions two lovers might go, a fresh breeze swelling their sails, the future uncharted, still far from the edge where the sea pours into the stars.
We've had 35 Valentine's Days, my husband and I, and in recent years have barely taken notice of its passing. Kooser's words here remind me that feelings needn't fade from our "fragile old hearts," that we still can follow the "starburst compass pointing in all directions," can sail off on a fresh breeze with our future uncharted.
Here's to opening the map, smoothing out the creases, and setting our faces to the wind.
Happy Valentine's Day :)