Best thing about a New Year? The feeling of starting over, being offered a clean slate to begin new projects, or even to revisit past projects and give them a new twist.
So let's Write on Wednesday once again. But with a bit of a twist this time 'round.
Come here each Wednesday for a new writing prompt, some words or ideas to get your writing muscles working and over that mid-week hump.
The idea is to write something ~ prose, poem, fiction, essays, lists, anything wordy that strikes your fancy ~ post it on your blog, and leave a comment here with a link to your post. That way others can come visit you and say hello.
If you don't blog, perhaps you'd rather write in your journal, or even on a paper napkin in Starbucks.
The idea is, of course, just to Write. Hopefully everyday. But especially on Wednesday.
Today, the words of course are:
Fresh Start