I feel like writing, but don't feel like thinking too hard, so I'll give this meme a try - it's been making the rounds of some of my favorite blogs lately. Here's my version: 10 Favourites Favorite season: Spring, with fall a very close second Favorite colour: Turquoise, like a cloudless spring sky Favorite time: Sunrise Favorite food: Pasta with a rich sauce Favorite drink: Dark roast coffee in the morning; cold, buttery chardonnay at night Favorite ice cream: Not much for ice cream, but mint chocolate chip is my usual pick Favorite place: In the US (so far), San Francisco; abroad (so far), the Southeast coast of England Favorite sport: I'm horrible at sports. I love to walk and bike, if those count Favorite actor: It's a tie between Jimmy Smits and Hugh Grant Favorite actress: Julianne Moore and Sally Field
9 Currents
Current feeling: Wired Current drink: The above mentioned chardonnay Current time: 11:20 p.m. Current show on TV: I'm not watching it; but my husband is watching something really noisy! Current mobile used: Motorola Current windows open: Blogger, and MSN Current underwear: The usual "old lady pants" as Bridget Jones would say Current clothes: Super comfy knit gaucho pants and cotton T Current thought: Is it that late already?
8 Firsts First nickname: Sunshine First kiss: Dave, 8th grade First crush: Chris, the older man (I was 7, he was 9) First best friend(s): Lisa and Jill First vehicle I drove: 1972 turquoise chevy Nova First job: Teaching piano lessons First date: First real date- Jim, the guy I married three years later First pet: Our cocker spaniel, Ginger
7 Lasts Last drink: Water, before the chardonnay Last kiss: From Kana, my friend Leigh's baby daughter; last "real" kiss was my husband, this morning Last meal: Dinner - minestrone soup, warm bread with olive oil to dip, eaten with my friend and her 20 month old daugther; Last web site visited: Paris Parfait Last film watched: I can't even remember; I watched an old episode of West Wing last night Last phone call: My mother Last TV show watched: Rescue Me
6 Have you evers Have you ever broken the law: Does speeding count? Have you ever been drunk: Only slightly Have you ever kissed someone you didn't know: Don't think so Have you ever been in the middle/close to gunfire: No, thank goodness Have you ever skinny dipped: No Have you ever broken anyone's heart: Not to my knowledge
5 Things Things you can hear right now: TV from the other room, a distant leaf blower Things on your bed: One sleeping shih tzu, my work clothes which I haven't put away Things you ate today: Salad, soup, bread, watermelon, and a package of animal crackers when I was restless at work Things you wouldn't want to live without: If we're talking inanimate objects, then my piano, computer, books, car and cell phone Things you do when you are bored: I can't remember when I last felt bored
4 Places you have been today
My mother's house, work, a restaurant, my friends house,
3 Things on your desk right now
Books, picture of my son (aged 2), my notebook
2 Choices
Black or white: Black
Hot or cold: Cold
1 Place you want to visit
Picking only one is a very tall order. I'd really love to go to Greece someday.