Okay, I'm in need of some artistic vibe from all you artists out there...I have a craft project to do today (and I admit the thought strikes fear into my heart). You see, I was the little girl whose art papers were always covered with globs of glue in mistaken places, and funny mishapen objects that looked nothing whatsoever like the thing they were meant to represent. My few attempts at sewing have been exercises in futility (except for that time I worked on a quilt...that turned out pretty well).
Anyway, today's project requires some paper craft. Here's the story...
My friend Pat and I are attending a bridal shower for a former student. Our gift (which will be a combined wedding and shower gift) is a quilt, being made specially for her by the mother of another one of her classmates. HOWEVER, the quilt isn't done yet, so my task is to make "something artistic" - my friend's words- to convey that the gift is in process.
My thought is to make a card of some kind, perhaps with a patchwork-y design, and use some of those nifty little things you can stick on. Then inside I can write (oh, yes! something I can do!) about the special gift she will receive on her wedding day.
So before I go to Michael's and stand perplexed in front of all the cards/stamps/stickers, etc., I'm placing myself at the mercy of all you artistic gurus out there...
Send good thoughts my way, won't you?~*smiles*~