Social media

Healing, Health, Hope: Power Down

When I decided to adopt the concept of healing as a focus for the year 2021, I realized it would mean adding some healthier practices to my life, practices like meditation, which you can read about in this post. I knew it would also mean eliminating others, changing long-standing habits that had become nothing more than ways of numbing myself to the realities of life I didn’t want to deal with.

One of those was my obsession with social media. Specifically, my obsession with Facebook.

Time for True Confessions, friends.

Broken Engagement

A few weeks ago I wrote of my intention to limit my time on social media, and as you would imagine, I have had varying degrees of success. To paraphrase an old song, it’s a hard habit to break, and most of you are well aware of that.

On days when I am successful, however, here’s what happens: I’m more content, more focused, less flustered, and I accomplish a whole lot more. And by accomplish, I don’t mean just checking stuff off my to-do list. The biggest accomplishment I’ve achieved in those days when the phone stays tucked into its pocket inside my purse and the iPad remains closed on the kitchen counter is that of doing nothing. Of sitting on my couch and looking out the window, watching birds fly in and out from the feeder, listening to my little dog snoring softly from her bed in the corner. 

Of being quiet.