Life Goes On
Life Goes On
In 2014, Becca Rowan published Life In General, a collection of essays written over a period of eight years that explored experiences familiar to women entering midlife. Life Goes On traces the next steps in Rowan’s journey through this stage, one that includes the joy of being a grandparent, the grief of losing bother her parents, and the search for meaningful life in retirement. Like Life In General, these thoughtful and inspirational essays invite connection and contemplation.
“In an age of instant gratification, texts instead of phone calls, and the seeming need to always be on social media, Life Goes On invites you to turn off your screens and settle in for a series of beautifully written essays. In a mix of honoring a well-lived life, heartrending grief, and vulnerable truths, Rowan evokes a sense of hope, an undercurrent of love, and a prevailing reminder we are all connected. Like her first book, Life in General, this book will hold an honored place on my bookshelf, always in reach, ready anytime I need comfort or inspiration.” --Debra Smouse, Author & Life Coach