The Sunday Salon: Sunday Soothing

With snow falling steadily outside, I can tell the weather forecast is going to prove true. We are in for a good, solid winter storm today, and I’m so thankful neither of us have anywhere to go. 

I am happy to see the last of January, even though we’re beginning this new month with rough weather. January was a stinker of a month. I’ve been sick on and off for most of it, one of my dogs has been sick on and off for most of it, my mom is not doing well. The weather is cold and icy, it’s difficult to get my outside walks in and they often lift my spirits as well as get my blood pumping. 

Then there was the  Parenthood finale. <sob>

Lest you think it is always sweetness and light at chez Becca, do not be fooled. This past month has dipped into the dark side on more than one occasion. So I am in need of soothing. 

I take comfort on days like these in books, in music, in warm snuggles with my animals.  My friend Christa’s beautiful harp CD playing softly in the background. A hot drink, the warmth of the fireplace. A favorite blanket wrapped around my shoulders. The sharp, citrus scent of a Clementine as I separate it into sections, the sweet juicy flavor when I pop it into my mouth. 

Small things that soothe the spirit. I need them in spades today.

January was a good reading month. I finished eight books toward my goal of reading 100 books this year. I don’t normally set reading goals, but after keeping track of my reading for almost 20 years, I notice I always hover between 80-90 books per year. Why not make it 100? I thought this year. 

So I’m working on it. It’s funny how setting that intention has made me more mindful about my reading time. I’ve been more likely to carry a book from room to room, to make sure I have my book in the kitchen to read a few pages while I’m waiting for the oven to preheat or a pan to boil. I’ve been less “guilty” about sitting down in the middle of the day to read for half an hour. I have a purpose! A reading goal! So it’s all for the greater good. 

I’ve also been actively using Goodreads this year, although I’ve been a member for a long time I’ve not used it as a book tracking system. I am also a Goodreads Author, so Life In General has a page there too. 

The last book I read in January was Jo Jo Moyes Me Before You. Several friends told me what a wonderful story it was, and they were not wrong. But it was a tear-jerker - and I probably didn’t need to add any more emotion to an already somewhat emotional week for me. However, I loved it, and highly recommend it. 

I’m starting February reading with a completely different genre - a literary suspense novel by Sarah Waters, The Paying Guests. It won’t be soothing reading, necessarily, but I suspect it will keep me nicely entertained on this snowy winter day.