About 5:30 this afternoon, the automatic timer on my reading lamp switched on, and guess what? I didn't even notice. That's right. I didn't notice, because the SUN WAS STILL SHINING!
Amazing. Just yesterday it seems I readjusted the timer because the house was pitch black at 5: 30. Now, this love-ly month of February gives us the gift of just a pinch more daylight, a baby step closer to those long, light filled evenings when I can sit on the porch until bedtime and watch the fireflies flicker in the orchard.
There is a tiny movement afoot in blog-land to celebrate love in all its forms and fashions this February. I first read about it here, and then found out more about it here.
So my paean to lengthening days is my way of saying I Love You to February.
More posts about things I love in the days ahead.
What are you loving this February?