
Singing and Swinging

child on a swingOne of my favorite childhood past times was swinging on the swing set in our backyard. And while I was swinging, I was singing, the volume of my voice increasing as my short legs pumped the air, propelling me higher and higher toward the blue sky. I sang "This Old Man," and "Row Row Row Your Boat." I made up a song using the words from Robert Louis Stevenson's children's poem (How do you like to go up in a swing...up in the air so blue? Oh I do think it's the pleasantest thing that ever a child can do!) It was exhilarating and satisfying and comforting all at once.

As soon as I was able, I joined the elementary school Glee Club, and eventually graduated into the Madrigal singers. There were only six of us, and we were all good friends. We got to wear nifty blue sashes and we felt very self-important singing a cappella. I cannot tell you how much I loved it. But maybe that's evident because it's such a strong memory 45 years later.

The notion of singing being fun isn't new to me.

The science behind the experience of it, however - well, that's something I'm enjoying learning about.

Read more about it in my post today on Medium.

Beating the Brain Drain

Since we've moved into our new neighborhood, I've met more people than the first day in a new school. But unlike my school days, I'm finding it much more challenging to remember everyone's names. In our little cul-de-sac alone there are Bob and Sue, and Bob and Karen. There's  Jim and Mary Ellen, and Jim and Darlene, and Jim and Marilyn (I kid you not). There's Kevin and Karen, and Roger and Fran. Roberta and Bill. Ned and Elaine.

You get the picture. All of it reminding me (again!) that I'm not as young as I once was, and my brain no longer works as efficiently as it once did.

I've read a lot recently about the ways we can keep our brains in shape, and I've been happy to learn that many of them are already part of my daily life.

Brain boot camp, I call it.

You can read more about it here at Medium.


Change of Scene

Something I learned when we moved last fall - a change of scenery can be inspiring and invigorating. When Deb Smouse, friend and Life Coach extraordinaire, starting contributing to Medium (a new concept in writing networks that's still in the beta stage) I was intrigued.

When I received an invitation to post there myself, I decided to give it a try. My first piece is here - I'd love to have you visit, and if you like it, click the green "recommend" button to let me know you've been by.

A new writing space.

A fresh spring morning.

What's not to like?