Small World

Although I’m not a medical professional, working as support staff to a group of nurse case managers offers some valuable knowledge and connections for everyday life. I’ve learned so much about accessibility options for people with all sorts of physical challenges. There is a whole world of items I’d never heard of before - grab bars and reachers and ramps and handicap accessible vans and shower benches and lift chairs and orthotic shoes. The list goes on and on.

Ten years ago when I started this job, I didn’t realize how important this knowledge could be to me personally. But with aging parents (and neighbors and relatives) it has become evident that I may have to use this information in a very practical way.

We’ve been looking at some ways to modify my mother’s house to make it safer and easier for her to maintain her independence with activities of daily living (see how easy that medical jargon creeps into my writing?) And although my husband chuckled when I asked him to check out a company called Mr. Grab Bar, he was soon engrossed in perusing a vast array of support bars and handles that could be attached to walls in every room of the house.

There are also several construction companies in our area who specialize in home modifications - everything from simple ramp installations to entirely refiguring kitchens and bathrooms with lower cabinets and roll under sinks for wheelchair users. Thanks to the experiences of several of our clients at work, I know which ones to contact and which ones to avoid!

The wide world intersects with our smaller world in so many different ways.

It’s always nice when it works to your advantage.