Brand new month. Brand new year. Brand new decade.
Does that sound a little daunting to you? It does to me. My Puritan work ethic kicks in and I start thinking about all those forgotten resolutions from decades gone by. The ballet classes I never tried. The guitar I never learned to play. The web design class I planned to take. Not to mention all the things I wasn’t going to do anymore- like eat potato chips, spend money on fancy coffee drinks, buy books…
I bet you have your own list of Incompletes when it comes to shiny plans and resolutions.
But you know what? Now that I’m in my seventh decade of living, I’m learning to say I Just Don’t Care to a lot more things. Because I’m confident in the things I DO care about, and I’d rather spend my precious time on those.
One of them is my writing practice. Another is connecting with my creative community, online and in real life.
This year I’m starting a new way of doing that. It’s called Monday Musings, A Monthly Missive from Me to You.
It’s a letter from me that comes directly to your email inbox on the first Monday of every month. I’ll share what’s on my mind - and maybe you’ll realize something similar has been on your mind too. There will be reading recommendations, things I’m doing to make Life In General happier, healthier, and more rewarding (especially for those of us in the Third Trimester of life on earth), plus Five Favorites on a variety of topics.
I’d love to have you join this creative community. And don’t say, “But I’m not really creative.” Yes you are. I believe we are ALL creative in one way or another. Whether you write or paint or sculpt or read or quilt or cook or garden or decorate or concoct oils or make jewelry or just wander the woods and marvel, you are using your creative senses. It always feels good, doesn’t it?
Besides, we’re all in this Life In General thing together. So get your cup of coffee, sit down with me, and let’s talk about it for a while.
You can subscribe to Monday Musings right here. (If you are already subscribed to the blog, you will receive Monday Musing’s automatically.) Of course you are free to unsubscribe at any time, and I will never share your email address.
I can’t wait to spend some time with you each month.
Let’s talk more soon.