Checking In

We flew into Dallas on Wednesday for a five day visit with our son, daughter-in-law, and the Fabulous Mr. Connor. We call him that because he is the most fabulous of babies (although as I write this, it's 6 p.m. and he's crying up quite a storm -I do remember there was something about 6 p.m. that's made it an evil hour for babies). But 99% of the time, he's cool as a cucumber. Patient, cheerful, cooperative - a good eater and a good sleeper. What more can anyone ask?

I did not bring a computer with me, other than my iPad, but I've been participating in the 25 Habits of Great Writers that Jeff Goins is hosting, and my daily posts are over at Write on Wednesday. For writer friends, it's an interesting and inspiring exercise. Give it a look.

Otherwise, you probably won't see much of me until next week.

I'm just soaking up baby right now.

When I get home, I've decided my summer wardrobe really needs updating. Even though I'm working mostly from home, I'm tired of feeling dowdy. Despite my best efforts to the contrary, photos from the weekend indicate my appearance is leaning much more toward the the look of middle-aged matron than I'd like. Grandmother I may be, but I don't have to look like one. Perhaps I'll even look into some seamless shape wear, although it would take the best bra around to make anything much of my figure these days.

Oh well. Hopefully, Connor will love me no matter what.

Happy weekending.