Friday afternoon the POD containing all the furniture from our home in Florida arrived at our new home in Northville. Saturday we - along with the help of Eric and Lee, two extremely nice young men who unloaded the POD for us - we arranged furniture and started digging into the boxes that we packed four months ago. It was a little like Christmas, unwrapping all those things, trying to discern by feel what each item was.
“Maybe these are the coffee table vases,” I kept saying, searching for three delicate glass bud vases I had purchased at an Art Fair in Naples. There were sighs of relief (found the vases all intact), surprise (I forgot we packed this!) and remembrance (remember when we bought this?)
Of course there is much left to do, but I’m beginning to see glimpses of the MY house peeking through, the vision I had for this new space.
Today we’ll be going back for more unpacking - making a start on the kitchen boxes today. But I’m planning to take a book with me for a short break of afternoon reading.
The burning question is - what book shall it be?
Because the first book I read in my new house can’t be just any old book. It needs to be something special - something new that I’ve been dying to delve into. Or maybe (and this could be even better) something old - a favorite re-read that always inspires, comforts, sustains.
My new book choices are somewhat slim. The only things sitting in my new TBR pile are The House I Loved, by Tatiana Rosay, which certainly sounds appropriate for the occasion, and How to Be A Woman, by Caitlin Moran.
The To Be Re-Read pile is much larger, and things like TheWhole World Over, by Julia Glass, Bridge of Sighs, by Richard Russo, and The Life of Charlotte Bronte, by Elizabeth Gaskell.
An embarrassment of riches, to be sure.
But one of those will likely be the one I spend a few stolen moments with this Sunday afternoon, here in my new living room at Brookwood Court.
I’ll keep you posted.
How about you? What are you reading this Sunday, and where are you reading it?