You know what? This has been a really normal week. A week where things have gone according to schedule, where all assigned tasks have been completed, where some unexpected (but nice) opportunities have arisen. I liked it.
I could get used to this thing called normal.
See, I really like a routine. I know that makes me somewhat pedantic and uninteresting, but I function best when things happen in a prescribed fashion, ideally one over which I have some control. Deep in my heart of hearts, I'd like to be more of a free spirit, wish I could go with the flow and take what comes. But when things are up in the air, I get ansty and prickly. Can't help it...that's just me. (See how self-aware I am, and I haven't even taken the StrengthsFinder?)
Here's what happened this week that I really liked...
~my weeping cherry tree blossomed beautifully. oh yes.
~i got to accompany my friend's church choir rehearsal last night. hadn't played the piano in three weeks! yes, indeed, that felt good.
~it was so quiet in the office this week that i got all my work done in the allotted time and didn't bring anything home with me for the weekend. whew.
~got one step closer to completing the disbursement of my aunt's estate - namely, preparing to finalize the transfer of her house to another of her nieces. big smiles.
~walked two miles every day this week. feelin' fit in spite of pizza for dinner.
Here's what I'm looking forward to...
~marathon men's chorus concerts tomorrow at the University of Michigan, where I expect to hear and see some of my favorite young men from the high school. brava!
~going to East Lansing next weekend with my friend C. while our men are away on a choir tour of their own. yea for girlfriends!
~sleeping late tomorrow and then taking the doggies to the park. nice.
~more spring like weather which is said to be on the way. ahhh...
In short, I'm loving life in the normal lane.
How about you? What's your situation these days?